““BFR can be a critical ingredient to any rehabilitative process. Whether the treatment is post operative, acute, or chronic conditions. It really tips the scales in favor of recovery.”
The Science behind Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)
Mechanism of BFR
Also not completely well understood
Some proposed theories/observed findings
Hypoxia response
Metabolite accumulation
Decreased catabolic response
Type II muscle fiber recruitment
Muscle Growth
Exact mechanism for muscle
growth still up for debate
Likely a combination of all observed changes
We do know what typically works
High-load resistance training - 70% 1RM2 (140lb if 200 max)
6-12 repetition range ideal7
Current Recommendations
For disuse atrophy mitigation12,13
Interestingly, low pressure works (50 mm Hg)
For those who can only tolerate walking14
Low-load resistance training15
Recommended Exercise Loads & Volume for BFR Training
A 2012 meta-analysis15 found 15-30% of 1RM to have largest effect on hypertrophy and strength
A 2012 study18 found that continuous BFR was more beneficial than intermittent
Repetitions range from 45 to 75 (30,15,15,15), although no clear protocol19
Rest periods are relatively short (30-60 s)19
Restrictive Pressure
Current research suggests 50% of arterial occlusion pressure is optimal10
Estimates can also be made with thigh circumference measurements10
For elastic wraps, a score of 7 (moderate pressure, no pain) is ideal14

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Scott, B.R., Loenneke, J.P., Slattery, K.M. et al. Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction: An Updated Evidence-Based Approach for Enhanced Muscular Development. Sports Med (2015) 45: 313. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-014-0288-1