““Since 2010, our clinics have hosted over 105 educational events. This is a critical part of who we are as a team, we are lifetime learners, curious practitioners, and enjoy reaching out in our community.””
2011 Lectures
Dr. Bob Adams
Olympic Athlete
More on Dr. Adams (Click here)
Dr. Peter Vincent
Management of Tibial Stress Synrome
More on Dr. Peter Vincent (click here)
Dr. Vincent Santoro
Rotator Cuff Tears
More on Dr. Santoro (Click here)
Dr. Chris Peterson
ACL Repairs
More on Dr. Chris Peterson (Click here)
Dr. Samuel Koo
Rotator Cuff Rehabilitation
More on Dr. Koo (Click here)
Dr. Maurer
Barefoot Running Update
More on Dr. Maurer (click here)