Pre-Operative Shoulder — Lake Washington Physical Therapy

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We find that the more information or “pre-hab” a patient has prior to making a surgical decision the great the treatment outcomes and the efficacy of the overarching procedure.
— Benjamin Wobker, PT, Founder

Pre Operative Shoulder

Shoulder MRI
Pre-Op Shoulder Course

Pre-Op Teaching

Each month Heidi & Ben teach a Pre-Op Shoulder Course at ProOrtho Kirkland. This is a chance to educate, inform, and reassure patients preoperatively of the coming changes to their shoulder after surgery in association with activities of daily living as well as the rehabilitation process. These courses are free and open to the public. For more information you can contact ProOrtho directly.

Pre Operative Knee 

The research tells us that a course of preoperative knee rehab helps in the case of meniscus, ACL, and total knee surgeries.
— Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017
ACL tear MRI

Preoperative Ankle

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