Clinic Update:
ALl CLinics Now Offering TeleHealth
TeleHealth & Wellness Visits Via Video Conferencing
March 2020 Kenmore began offering Wellness Video Conferencing (or Insurance billed if eligible or $25 for 15 min with your PT via Zoom)
To Set up an appt email your PT directly or: or Call 425.419.4363
Free for the month of May for prospective clients & alumni
March 2020 Houghton began offering TeleHealth (Billed Through your insurance via Zoom)
To Set up an appt email your PT directly or: or Call 425.979.7445
Free for the month of May for prospective clients & alumni
March 2020 Downtown Kirkland began offering Wellness Video Conferencing (or Insurance billed if eligible or $25 for 15 min with your PT via Zoom )
To Set up an appt email your PT directly or: or Call 425.629.6502
Free for the month of May for prospective clients & alumni
What is it & Is it Appropriate for ME?
The Health Resources Services Administration defines telehealth as the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications.
A Video Conference with a Physical Therapist might be appropriate if:
You are traveling or will not be able to make your normally scheduled PT visits
Not sure if you need to come in for a PT to evaluate you
Don’t want to bring kids or an infant into the clinical setting
Have you had a fever or chills in the last 72 hours?
You have insurance limitations for traditional visits
You are almost discharged but want to connect with your therapists for review or progression
If you have any shortness of breath due to seasonal flu or COVID-19 Type Symptoms
Have you been in contact with anyone with who has tested positive for COVID-19?