Kirkland — Basketball Injuries and Rehab — Lake Washington Physical Therapy

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Shoot 360 Kirkland

Shoot 360 Kirkland

Not only is Rodney Stuckey’s Shoot 360 a fantastic place for basketball players to work on their skills, I find it an awesome opportunity to keep my athletes engaged while they are recovering from an injury or surgery. 

Having spent most of my 2019 battling old injuries, I found my 30 minute shooting session exhausting and awesome. It was exactly what I needed in terms of a way to work on skills while I modify my activity in terms of cutting and jumping. I was able to get up 260+ shots (shooting at a humbling 35%) in those 30 minutes, which beats shooting by myself and getting my own (long) rebounds. I was able to program the machine to allow me to catch and shoot, shoot off a cut, and shoot off the dribble. I could be there for hours if I had the endurance.