Ben Wobker
LWPT Founder & Director
University of Montana
Ben grew up in the Redmond area where he attended Redmond High School. He received a bachelors degree in psychology from the University of Montana in Missoula. Enjoying the Northern Rockies and a thirst for recreation Ben finished graduate school at Montana, receiving a Masters of Science and Physical Therapy (MSPT). Since graduation Ben has attended numerous continuing education courses with his focus being orthopedic and sports injuries. Ben also received his Strength and Conditioning Certification (CSCS) from the NSCA in 2003.
After numerous football, basketball, and track injuries Ben decided physical therapy would be the career for him. He began volunteering at the Lake Washington Sports Clinic in 1992 under the expertise of Ken Roll. Ben volunteered for thousands of hours at local clinics and hospitals in Seattle area and Missoula. After finishing his clinical rounds at Overlake and Evergreen Hospital he completed his final internship at the clinic where he had begun 8 years earlier. He began his paid career working at Healthsouth in Redmond in 2000. This was an excellent place to learn from experienced therapists and work with professional athletes. Healthsouth served as the Mariners home clinic and also served many other professional and collegiate athletes in Seattle.
Upon the return to Redmond in 2000, Ben immediately got involved with his alma madre Redmond High School. Volunteering at the high school Ben served as a trainer for all sports and coached football and track. During this time on his day off Ben also provided golf therapy at Sahalee Country Club. Sahalee allowed the opportunity to work with some of the most serious golfers and golfers with serious problems.
In 2002 Ben opened Redmond Physical Therapy with his business partner Ken Crinklaw. They operated a successful clinic for nearly 9 years. In the summer of 2010 Ben and his wife Sara created Lake Washington Physical Therapy and began to work near home Kirkland.
Ben's clinical approach is hands on and includes a strong emphasis on therapeutic exercise. His goal is to have every patient leave his care more knowledgeable and with dynamic tools they can fall back on. His patient load is primarily orthopedics, specifically athletes and recreation enthusiasts.

Staying up to date with current research and with continuing education is a passion of Ben's. He is a student as well as a teacher. Ben works as a clinical instructor for graduating physical therapy doctors from regional universities and as an advisor for local high school seniors. He has mentored over 25 doctorate physical therapists, 50 college interns, and over 25 high school interns. Ben also has worked as a local professional advisor for the culminating projects at Redmond High School, East Lake High School, The International School, and Cedar Crest High School.
Ben's professional passion is with core stability, biomechanics, and runners. He sees many running enthusiasts that are working towards an easy 5K fun run as well as those that are training for New York or Boston. He has directed speed and agility camps and participated in the training of college as well as professional runners. Ben speaks routinely at several of the local running stores (Super Jock and Jill and Everyday Athlete) and high school cross country teams. Ben has also authored two books for IAAF and created over 15 lectures that were presented at USATF, IAAF, WADA, and USOC conferences.
With his athletic background Ben has been fortunate enough to work with athletes from all sports as well as athletes from all major professional leagues. Ben's latest endeavors are founding the Redmond Derby Days Dash in 2009, Founding Hopelink's Can Madness, and creating the Kirkland Shamrock Run in 2011. Sara and Ben adopted their son in 2014 which was a life changing experience and rearranged his priorities as it does for many parents. While taking a paternal leave in 2016 Ben joined good friend Chris Johnson to make a running app for iPhone & Apple watch Called RunCadence. After a brief sabbatical Ben and Sara opened additional clinics with long time colleague Matt Sato in Houghton in 2016 and good friends and former students Renee & Jason James in Portland 2018 . Ben then scaled back his patient time after the passing of his father and focussed on family, staff, and friends.
A very interesting opportunity was offered to Ben in 2018 and began consulting with Luna physical therapy services. While with team he helped launch 5 national markets (SF, LA, OC, SEA, CHI) for the PT start-up. The time of traveling and being away from his family & team ended his time in the Bay Area but with strong relationships in the tech sector and silicon valley. Sara and Ben then launched LWPT Kenmore in 2019 with longtime colleague Joe Nance. As the pandemic of 2020 began to wane Shawn Brenneman joined the LWPT team to launch Redmond in April 2021. Mark and Laura Bouma also launched West Seattle in May 2021.
Ben's other interests include snowboarding, hiking, snowshoeing, concerts, golf, photography, and running.
Published Articles, Webinars, & Podcasts:
Listen to Ben’s Podcast with Chad Madden from the Breakthrough Podcast 2022
Watch Ben and Dr. Ghislaine Robert webinar on Soccer injuries 2022
Watch Ben and Dr. Adam Rinde’s webinar on the Microbiome 2021
Watch Ben and Dr. Troy Henning’s webinar on Tendinopathy 2021
Watch Ben & Dr. Chris Boone’s webinar on Hip and Knee Pain & Arthritis 2021
Watch Ben & Dr. Yung Lee’s webinar on Lowerback Pain 2021
Listen to Ben’s Podcast with Chad Madden from the Breakthrough Podcast 2021
Watch Ben and Dr. Jamie Antoine’s Webinar on Patellar Tendonitis 2021
Listen to Ben’s Podcast with Dr. Adam Rinde from the One More Thing Podcast 2021
Watch Ben and Dr. Jamie Antoine’s webinar on Shoulder pain 2020
Listen to Ben’s Podcast with Dr. Gary Chimes and Dr. Garret Hyman The Candid Doctor 2012
Read Ben's Article in PT Today (click here) 2005
Read the Seattle Times Article Featuring Redmond PT (click here) 2003
Read the Hopelink Article (click here) 2014
Read Redmond Reporter Article (click here) 2014
Read the Redmond Reporter Article for March Can Madness (click here) 2013
Read the article and Kiro News Interview (click here) 2013
Read the Derby Days Dash Article (click here) 2012
Contributing Author: Lumbar & LE Rehab Manual for IAAF 2012
Read the Hopelink Can Madness Article (click here) 2010