physical therapy

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

You have probably heard the term “growing pains” used to describe an ache or throb in children’s legs during their growing years. They are generally thought to be an uncomfortable, but unavoidable fact of life that children will grow out of, but should they always be ignored? When is it a sign of a more serious problem? And when should you consult a PT or pediatrician about your concerns?

Generally, “growing pains” are an aching or throbbing sensation in the thighs, calves, or behind the knees, and on both legs. The pain may come and go, and be difficult to pinpoint on the body, but tends to occur in the late afternoon to evening.

Shoulder Pain

Upcoming Shoulder Pain Webinar

Dr. Jamie Antoine, MD from Kirkland's ProOrtho Group will discuss the common cases he sees presenting in his office in relation to shoulder pain and weight lifting.

More LWPT lectures that have been archived are available on our lecture page.