Lake Washington Physical Therapy
is a local business
in every sense of the word.
Our owners & therapists are local residents that enjoy the same neighborhoods you do. This creates our vested interest in helping our community and also supporting local businesses. We have taken an added emphasis in quality delivery of healthcare, as the outcomes & relationships with clients is our marketing.
About Lake Washington Physical Therapy
Welcome to Lake Washington Physical Therapy. Our expertly trained & licensed therapists are passionate about developing long-lasting relationships built on your health and well-being. We look forward to creating a uniquely personal experience that exceeds your expectations and helps you to meet your personal goals.
Schedule an appointment
Ready to take the next step? You can become a client and begin the pathway toward your goals.
Upcoming Webinar
Lake Washington Physical Therapy is excited to have Dr. Jonathan Hall from Proliance join Mandie Majerus to discuss all things foot & ankle. Dr. Hall brings a wealth of knowledge not only as a accomplished sports medicine physician & surgeon but also as a former college division one football player.
COVID-19 Update:
On behalf of our team we cannot thank you enough for your ongoing trust and support since the pandemic began. As a staff of licensed healthcare professionals protecting the health and safety of our community, clients, and our team has always been a priority. LWPT offers essential healthcare services in our clinics and as always we have held ourselves to rigorous safety standards in compliance with the Washington State Dept of Health and CDC. We are closely monitoring CDC updates and guidelines regarding the Coronavirus. Currently we are suspending all our community gathering events and have transitioned all our lectures, in-services, and free community events onto digital platforms. Our clinical philosophy of one-on-one care has not changed, but we have increased hours on the weekends to allow for decreased contact but improved capacity. Our staff has also rolled out a post-operative surgical offering that delivers our team of PTs to you home.
At this point many of our staff will be completing their vaccinations the last week of January. We will still continue to maintain our current guidelines but it give our staff, their families, and our patients all another level of safety as we work as a community to help protect the most vulnerable.
Thanks for your support of our small business, trust, and confidence during these unique and unprecedented times. Our team will continue to keep you informed of any developments and changes to our facilities.