
Adaptation to Load

Adaptation to Load

Have you ever been so sore after a new workout or return to activity that you can barely sit down to use the toilet? This is your body adapting to a new load. This is a fairly simple, but important concept. If your body hasn’t experienced this load ever or in a long time, the chances that you will be sore range from pretty high to certain. Sometimes this scenario leads to 2 days of soreness (DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) and then you return to whatever activity made you sore. Great, your body adapted to the load! On the other side, you find your body was unable to adequately adapt and maybe you cannot return to that activity. Now we have an injury to deal with.

One thing that has been on my mind, and the minds of many other rehab professionals, is...will we see an uptick in injuries for athletes during and after the COVID shutdown? That all depends on whether athletes have been able to maintain their tolerance for the loads that they will be returning to (running, jumping, etc); and/or if they are able to return gradually enough to their respective activities giving their body adequate time to adapt.