Soccer Injuries: Dr. Ghislaine Robert, MD
LWPT was excited to welcome to the webinar Dr. Ghislaine Robert, MD . Dr. Robert has been recognized by our team and the greater physical therapy community for years as one of the top rehab specialist in the greater Seattle area. She joined our audience to talk about the latest techniques and tools she is bringing to her athletes to help decrease pain, improve function, and create the best outcomes possible. The webinar runs approximately 60 min with questions answered at the end.
Covered in the Soccer Webinar
Ankle Sprains on the pitch
Contact and non-Contact Sprains
ATF vs Deltoid Sprains
Syndesmosis Ankle Sprains
When in Soccer should you get an x-ray?
FIFA protocols and best practice for Ankle inuries
ACL Tears and Prevention
What is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
What does the ACL do in soccer?
Men and Women differences in ACL tears
Contact vs non-Contact ACL Tears
What is the proper Return to play?
Groin Strains related to soccer
Identifying the differences of Groin vs Hernia
Pubic Symphysitis vs Avulsion
Stress Reactions of the lumbar spine
Spondololysis in the lumbar spine
Repetitive use vs Hypermobility in the spine
New Soccer Recovery and Rehabilitation Treatment Methods:
Super Shot (PRP+Exosomes)