Nutrition for Sports Injuries & Healing

Nutrition for Sports Injuries & Healing: 1 of 3

Dr. Geoff Lecovin
Naturopathic Physician, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, & Personal Trainer

“Unleashing the Power of Food”

Healing after an Injury occurs in three stages

1. Inflammation - Occurs immediately and continues up to 5 days post-injury. It is the body's way of signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against viruses and bacteria.

2. Proliferation (regeneration) - From 5 days to 3 weeks post-injury. In this phase, tissue rebuilding and repairing occurs.

3. Maturation (fibrosis) - From 3 weeks to 2 years. In this phase, remodeling of tissue structure occurs. Each stage must occur sequentially in order for optimal healing to occur. By understanding the stages of healing, one can more effectively focus specific nutrition and rehabilitation interventions. Should you use ice and/or anti-inflammatory medications after an injury?

Healing after an Injury occurs in three stages

1. Inflammation - Occurs immediately and continues up to 5 days post-injury. It is the body's way of signaling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against viruses and bacteria.

2. Proliferation (regeneration) - From 5 days to 3 weeks post-injury. In this phase, tissue rebuilding and repairing occurs.

3. Maturation (fibrosis) - From 3 weeks to 2 years. In this phase, remodeling of tissue structure occurs. Each stage must occur sequentially in order for optimal healing to occur. By understanding the stages of healing, one can more effectively focus specific nutrition and rehabilitation interventions. Should you use ice and/or anti-inflammatory medications after an injury?

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During the inflammatory stage, numerous chemicals are released, some of which can irritate pain receptors called nociceptors. Many people turn to Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs, such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen, to reduce the pain. Unfortunately, while these medications can be effective at blocking pain, they can also disrupt the healing process. Fortunately, there are a number of alternative physical and nutritional interventions that can help reduce the pain associated with inflammation, while at the same time supporting the healing process.


Move, Exercise, Analgesics, Treatment
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
MEAT supports the healing process, whereas certain aspects of RICE may impede it, depending upon the injury. I generally recommend contrast hydrotherapy as follows: Three minutes of heat alternating with one minute cold, three times, several times throughout the day. This serves to pump nutrition into the injured area and pump waste products out. Ice is generally reserved for right after surgery or briefly after an injury, depending on the severity of the inflammation. You should consult your doctor or therapist to determine which approach best suits your injury.


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