What Causes a rotator Cuff injury?

The Mystery of what causes a rotator cuff injury?

Rotator cuff muscles and tendons can be injured over time, or with a sudden injury such as a fall. In an overuse injury, the soft tissues may start to fray, often caused by repeated activities. Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a long-term overuse tendon injury with damage to the tendon occurring at a microscopic level.

Symptoms of rotator cuff tendinopathy can include shoulder pain, stiffness, and weakness. You may have difficulty raising the arm overhead or lifting objects, especially above shoulder height. Getting dressed, washing your hair, or tucking in a shirt may be difficult. Sleeping may be limited because of shoulder pain.

Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries  Kirkland .jpg

What is the main function of the rotator cuff?

During arm movements, the rotator cuff contracts and prevents the sliding of the head of the humerus, allowing full range of motion, and providing overall joint stability. The rotator cuff also helps in the mobility of the shoulder joint by facilitating abduction (lifting arm to the side), medial or internal rotation (toward the belly), and lateral or external rotation (to the outside).

Rotator cuff tears typically occur at the junction where the tendon attaches to the bone and are can be caused by both extrinsic (outside) and intrinsic (inside) factors. More on Rotator Cuff Tears

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  • Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 4th Edition. David J. Magee, 2006. www.emedicine.medscape.com/article/93095-overview

  • Kim TK, et al. "Clinical features of the different types of SLAP lesions" Journal of Bone Joint Surgery Am. 2003 Jan;85-A(1):66-71. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1261463-overview

  • Mayo Clinic: Rotator Cuff; https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rotator-cuff-injury/symptoms-causes/syc-20350225

  • WebMD: Rotator Cuff; https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/qa/what-causes-rotator-cuff-problems


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